Thursday, September 17, 2009

English Handbook

1. The heading goes in the upper left corner. In the heading include student's name, teacher's name, subject, period, and date.
2. An example of a comma splice is She wore huge dark glasses, no one recognized her. Ways of correcting this mistake is to put a conjunction, semicolon, or with a period.
3. The difference between a comma splice and a fused sentence is that a comma splice is just a wrong way putting two sentences together and a fused sentence is a making a sentence go without a punctuation.
4. Two uses of the comma are to set off an introductory clause, phrase, or conjunctive adverb form the rest of the sentence another use is to create a pause.
5. A semicolon is used to create a stronger pause or to link two thoughts together or to link items in a long series.
6. Numbers under ninety-nine and below should be spelled out.
7. Yes plays are underlined or sometimes made in italics.
8. The difference between effect and affect is that affect is to change and effect is the result.
9. The differences between "there", "their" and "they're", is that there is referring to a place, their is referring to a group of people, and they're is talking about a group of people.
10. Parallel structure expresses parallel elements in same grammatical form.

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