Sunday, March 29, 2009

Research Project

The project was such a pain I knew what I was doing it on but after getting to the third page of typing it I just like went into a massive writers block and everything I thought of typing didn't make sense or just lead way of topic. So when I finished it I thought then I kinda went of topic but not to much.


Finally saw this movie and from what I've seen in the movie its not that bad. Kinda confusing at times but overall good. Funny parts about it is the baseball its just so random how they play it out of all sports.

Spring is Here

Starting to get so warm once again and I'm not liking it one bit. It's so hard to go out cause of the heat and I don't even want to thing about whats going to happen in the Summer and how hot it will get. But I guess nothing can be done about that other then stay in conditioned areas to stay out of the heat.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Elder Brother Wins Again

On March 21st the elder brother of the Klitchko boxers had a fight and once again he has proven that he is the world heavyweight champion still. This fight lasted nine rounds which could have been finished in seven but the other boxer kept jumping around and not letting Klitchko get the last hit he needed to knock him down and finish the fight.


Well spring is here and I thought it's about time I got my haircut I liked having my long hair but at the same time I didn't because it got in the way to much. But my hair will regrow if I ever want to have it long again even if it means waiting months for it to grow.

So Windy

This week has been so good and sunny and all the sudden on the weekend it started to become so windy and it rained it was so shocking to see it cause I was really expecting this weekend to be a nice and sunny one. But I guess not everything always goes according to your desire.

Sunday, March 15, 2009


This helps my grade so much I haven't really noticed how much it help till the grade was put in as 210 points. I was like wow that was more then I expected from blogs. It brought me up a whole 10% which helped me so much.

The Heat

The heat is back now and I know that it is only going to get worse. Me personally I don't like the heat takes to much energy out of me. But I know some people that love the heat way to much and it is almost unbelievable. But as I'm saying this is going to be a hot summer I think.


In my Multi Media class we have a new project! and once again it's a movie project. We have to go out and make a 7 minutes movie and after we do that where going to have to make a trailer plus a poster to fit the movie this time I'm working in a group of 4 including my self in it. We have a few ideas on what to do but no central idea yet that we might actually do yet. We have a week to get our script together then like a few days to get a storyboard drawn up and turned in so the teacher will have a basic idea of what it is all going to be about.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


In multi media we have a new project we have to take all our film and take out the bloopers and put the bloopers into one video thats about three minutes. This project isn't hard at all since my team and I had so many bloopers cause someone always messed something up.

My Cold

For the past week I've had a scratchy throat and it has been horrible I can't sleep cause I cough and it's a pain during class when i don't want to cough in front of everyone. But I think I am finally cured of this cold.


About time that the sun came out after about three weeks of rain its very hard to feel good. The rain has a way of getting even me down which doesn't happen that much. But I'm very happy that the sun is back out.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Life is Beautiful(movie)

That movie was actually a pretty good movie considering having to look at the subtitles the whole time. I especially enjoyed the part where the kid actually got to ride in the tank cause its funny because his father kept saying he will win a tank. To bad the father had to die.

Grade book

Wow this was the longest grade book ever in my life 8 weeks was it that we had to wait for it to end? I'm glad the rest of the grade books wont be so long cause it just takes to much and is kinda stressful.


I have a cold this weekend and had a fever on Tuesday so I didn't come to school but I think it's finally going away. I hope it is cause I hate having a cold it bugs me to much.