Sunday, April 26, 2009


Spanish class has been so weird last week. All we did was look at college/university requirements and things like that. I'm not complaining cause its easy and all which gives me more time to focus on my low grades.

out doors

Well I went to a park on Saturday with my cousin and while we were out their was this softball game so we watched it. Funny part about it was that the players were kinder gardeners or first grade kids. While they were playing so many like little tornadoes occurred with all the sand on the baseball lot. Was really annoying but fun to watch them play.

Slaughterhouse 5

Well I bought my copy of the book for this book final project. I hope the rest of my team did too. I was actually thinking that the book would be around 20 dollars but this book was 7.99 and with task it was close to 9. As soon as we are ready I intend to start this report as fast as possible so I wont have to deal with it on the week before its due

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Back to School

It's Sunday night and tomorrow once again I have to get up early to get to school like before spring break. I don't even know how I'm going to get up since I'm so used to sleeping in past twelve or longer. But I'll have to manage to do it.

My Head Hurts

This heat is a bid problem for me because I almost always get headaches from it. My head hurts like this for as long as I remember but I think its just cause I spend to much time out in the sun.

Spring Break

This spring break was fun and boring for me. I got to get out a bit and do a lot of stuff with people that I don't see much. But the rest of the time I had to be at home helping around the house which completely stunk. Also the heat is starting to get unbearable.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Animal Farm

This book I actually liked to a extent of how the story goes. But it's kind of "messed up" on how this is about the time of where Stalin ruled Russia under his totalitarian rule. But it's just a book so it can't hurt any one.


Well it is mt birthday today April 5th, 2009 and I am turning 16. Another year closer to 18 which I'm waiting for the most to get my driver license but at least now I can get my driving permit I think. But any way today was fun a lot of people came by and I got to spend time with them.